Percent means ' out of hundred ' or a fraction in which denominator is 100. If we say 50% then it means 50 /100 .

To express a fraction ( a / b ) as percentage , then multiply by 100.

(a/b) * 100 = (a/b)%   e.g (1/5) * 100 = 20% .

Some of common percentage into fraction .

Percentage table:

1/2 -  50 %

1/3 - 33(1/3) %

1/4 - 25 %

1/5 - 20 %

1/6 - 16(2/3) %

1/7 - 14(2/7) %

1/8 - 12(1/2) %

1/9 - 11(1/9) %

1/10 - 10%

1/15 - 6(2/3) %

1/20 - 5 %

1/25 - 4 %

1/50 - 2%

1/100 - 1%


1.If the salary of A is X% more than B, then by what %, B's salary is less than A?

Ans: To solve find the percentage which is less than X%.

For eg. if  X% is 20%(=1/5), the find a fraction less than 1/5 ,i.e 1/6. = 16 (2/3) % - ans.

2. If the salary of A is X% less than B, then by what %, B's salary is more than A?

Ans: In this , find the percentage which is more than X%.

For eg. if X% is 20%, the find a fraction more than 1/5, i.e 1/4 = 25%


1. If you find a question :

 (i). Add x% of a number to a given number A. Find the number?
 (ii). What % has to be added to A to get B?
 (iii) Adding x% to a  number gives B, what is the number?

Ans: To solve this , the formula is " A+ x% of A = B "

2. A's salary is 20% more than B, by what % B's salary less than A?

Ans:  By using pervious two concepts,
         (  x / ( 100  +/- x ) * 100 )             %
         As we are asking to for a lower %, so denominator must be more (+).
         (20 / 120 ) * 100 = 16(2/3) %


we genralize the concept, A% of B = C

If either two are given , we can find the other one.



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