1.Arithmetic Progression:
           AP is a sequence of numbers , such that the difference between any two successive numbers in a progression is a constant.

e.g 2,4,6,8...                here the common difference ( d )  is  2 .

An AP will be of the form    a , ( a+d ) , ( a + 2d ) , ( a + 3d ) , ( a + 4d ), .. .. ..

1.   a1 + an = a2 + an-1 = ... =  ak + an-k+1

2. Formulae for nth term can be defined as     an = 1/2(an-1 + an+1)    

3.  If initial term of AP and the difference is given, then the progression is given by .an = a1 + (n - 1)d, n = 1, 2, ...

4. The sum S of the first n values of a finite swquence is  given by  S = 1/2(a1 + an)n , where a1 is the first term and an is the last term.

5. If the difference and the first term is given, then the sum S can be calculated by
          S = 1/2(2a1 + d(n-1))n  .

Geometric Progression:
    Any progression or sequence with successive terms having a common ration is called geometric progression.

e.g : 2,4,8,16...

In the ratio is 2 for any two successive  terms.

A GP is of the form :   a , ar , ar^2 ,  ar^3 ... where a is the first term and r is common ratio .

The nth term can be find by  tn = ar ^ (n-1).

Sum of n terms is . Sn = a( 1 - rn )/ ( 1 - r ).

In case r lies between -1 and + 1 then Sum of all terms :  a / ( 1 - r )


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