   The character constant 'a' has the value 97 , and for 'b' the value is 98 ( i.e ) 'a' + 1 = b, the expression 'b' + 1 has the value 'c' and so on. Consider the expression 'A' - 'a' is same as 'B' - 'b' , which is same as 'C' - 'c', and so on. Hence, if the variable x has a value of lowercase letter, then the expression x + 'A' - 'a' has the value of the corresponding upper case letter.

void main( ){
   int x;
   while ((x=getchar( ))!='\n' )
      if ( x>= 'a' && x<= 'z' )

The same program can also be written using "toupper( )"  function by including the library "ctype.h".

void main( ){
   char s;
   while((s=getchar( ))!='\n' )


One Response so far.

  1. Troll says:

    This article is a bit of a crap...

    First: The first algorithm is false... it says if() putchar(x).. else putchar(x) so we don't change anything at any moment to the string.

    Second: The method using toupper() is generally not what is asked. It is asked to be smart. lowercase -> uppercase is just about changing a bit in the ASCII code, the second, to be exact, changing it from 1 (lowercase) to 0 (uppercase):

    You can do that by substracting 32 but you will have to check for already-uppercased chars like you already do. Binary operators will save us this waste of time:

    char uppercasechar = chr(ord(lowercasechar) & (127-32))

    Have a nice day.

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